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The Effect of “Aires Shield” on EEG Parameters

The objective of this work was to study the electroencephalographic (EEG) changes resulting from the influence of a mobile phone’s EMF and the possibility of using an “Aires Shield” electromagnetic anomaly neutralizer to reduce these changes.

These experiments have shown that exposure to a mobile phone’s EMF causes local changes in the EEG, and disrupts the picture of intercentral relationships, which can cause many diseases of the central nervous system and internal organs. Restructuring of the mobile phone’s EMF in the presence of the “Aires Shield” prevents the development of negative changes in the EEG. This gives us grounds to assert that the presence of the “Aires Shield” neutralizes the negative effects of the influence of the mobile phone’s EMF on the CNS and lets the CNS retain its regulatory functions.

Link to the full text of the study
Influence of the Aires Shield electromagnetic anomaly neutralizer on changes in EEG parameters caused by a mobile phone’s electromagnetic field

Doctor of Biological Sciences L. Rybina / Medical Adviser B. Alexandrov